Why Buyers Choose Us

If you are buying a property in today’s market, you need someone with the expertise and attention to detail to guide you through the process.

Our team at Ozadeproperties has developed a level of home buying expertise unmatched in Nigeria to meet these needs.

At Ozade Propertires, our goal is to help Proprty buyers and investors purchase the best property available at a price that is right.
If you would like more information about the services we offer, please complete the form to the right.

Things to Consider when Buying


A key element to successful property buying is planning. The more you understand and follow the plan, the easier it will be to understand the process.
The following are some questions to ask yourself, and things to consider, to start preparing:

Do You Know What You Want?

Whether it is your first time buying a property or your fifth, it is important to know why you are in the market to buy – did you just relocate, as a result of your job or is time against your project and need to settle as soon as possible? The more you outline, the more likely you will meet your goals in the long run.

Do You Have The Money?

Should You Get an Expert?

We will guide you through the processes involved in finding the property of your dreams, and to update you on every step of the buying process.

Making an Offer
Perfecting the Transaction

The moment you have bought the property and fulfilled the terms of the purchase prise, you will meet us to complete the transaction by sign all the documents. You will be able to review all the documents before signing.

What’s Next

For most people, owning a home will be one of the largest investments they will make. It is important to maintain insurance on the home, protecting your assets and valuables within – but most importantly – enjoy your home!